Thursday, January 28, 2010

Funny Pi Day Animation

Funny Pi Day Animation

Math Snacks

Math Snacks are short animations and mini–games designed to help learners "get it". Each snack presents a mathematical concept, particularly those addressed in grades 6, 7 and 8. Ideal for use in a classroom or on your own, they can even be placed on mobile devices for "homework". The accompanying print materials can assist learners in applying their conceptual understanding to math problems.

Study: Teachers Instill Fear of Math in Girls

Study: Teachers Instill Fear of Math in Girls-

"I never hated or feared math. I was never good at it, but I never hated it. However, a lot of girls don't like math and a new study suggests that it could be because their teachers transfer a certain amount of "math anxiety" on to them."

Check out this interesting article.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


MathMovesU - This is a place for kids to explore things that they are into, and pick up some cool math skills along they way.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Republic of Mathematics

Republic of Mathematics - A great math blog- worth your look. He also tweets a lot on Twitter!

States raise bar in math

States raise bar in math - Students who fail Algebra I are 4 times more likely to drop out of high school than those who passed.

What to do when a teenager gets turned off mathematics?

What to do when a teenager gets turned off mathematics? - Check out this blog post.